Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Advent 2011

How time flies. As of today, I am halfway through my divinity school studies and sit here wondering where the time went. Scripture studies, theology, dead languages, history, preaching, pastoral care - it's all mixed up in there together, working on me in ways I may not fully understand for some time to come. But I am very content as I relax here for one last night in our New England 'vacation home' before heading back to PA tomorrow.

I remember how it felt when I was a child and school would let out for Christmas break - unbounded joy and excitement, freedom, anticipation. That's something of what it is now, but there is more depth, more satisfaction, more anticipation. There is a gladness for a break from all the studies and reading mingled with gratitude for the opportunity of engaging in those studies. There is the anticipation of what next semester holds mixed with the longing that is Advent as I await the One who is and is to come. My life seems so pregnant with meaning and expectation for God only knows what.

My last sermon for preaching class was on the Annunciation. I did a first-person account, donning a Mary-blue shawl and speaking in the voice of an elderly Mary, reflecting on her life and her lack of understanding of just what it was the angel was asking of her. She said 'yes' anyway. The point of the sermon was that we are all called to say 'yes' even if we don't really know what it means, trusting in the One that calls. This has been my contemplation this Advent. I don't know what all of this is about, not really, but I have no doubt that my life is exactly where God would have it be. If you're going to be at St. Peter's in the Great Valley on Sunday, you'll get to hear that sermon!

I'll be journeying home tomorrow, looking forward for time to relax, to spend with friends, and preparing for our trip to Sedona, AZ, for Christmas week. Peace, love, and blessing to all of you in the holy Advent.